
How To Keep Students Safe But Not Scared

Watch Pikmykid’s on-demand webinar to discover how to keep students safe, but not scared. Watch now and create a positive and safe experience!

What to Expect

Create a safe and secure environment without harm.

Every school wants to create a safe environment. But are we failing to make students feel comfortable and protected?

When you think of school safety, often the first thing to pop into your mind is a horrific event like an active shooter on campus. Schools desire to create safer learning environments but often focus on protocols that leave a lasting, harmful impact on students, and staff. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • The school safety landscape today
  • Elements that can negatively impact students and the community
  • The key to school safety without harm
  • How to design an environment that makes students feel safe

Watch now and take the first step towards a safer, and less scary, 2024!