
How Safe & Streamlined Is Your Dismissal Process?

Take the quiz to find out how streamlined your daily dismissal process is!


A Comprehensive Digital Hall Pass System Checklist For Schools

This checklist will help you evaluate key factors when choosing a digital hall pass tool.

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Ready-To-Go School Safety & Dismissal Resources

Helping you reimagine school safety with guides, checklists, webinars & events.

Upcoming Events


Find out how streamlined and safe your current school dismissal procedures are so you can take the best next steps to see it transformed.


Register for this webinar and discover how dismissal and emergency software helps you transform your school's safety.


Register for this webinar and discover how to get rid of dismissal chaos and build a positive school culture.
Watch Pikmykid's FREE webinar and learn how to manage dismissal to be stress-free and ultra safe with Pikmykid.
Watch Pikmykid's FREE webinar and learn how to manage dismissal to be stress-free and ultra safe with Pikmykid.
Oversee Florida district’s daily & emergency operations from one place with Pikmykid during a free webinar on July 18th, 12 PM EST.
Watch Pikmykid's FREE webinar and learn how to manage dismissal to be stress-free and ultra safe with Pikmykid.
Oversee Texas district’s daily & emergency operations from one place with Pikmykid during a free webinar on July 18th, 12 PM EST.


Funding shouldn't stand in the way of providing safety at school. Here are seven grants that may be used to purchase Pikmykid.


This checklist will help you streamline your dismissal management process and make it safer for students, staff, and parents.


This checklist will help you feel confident to support students with specific needs through the daily and emergency operations of your school.