
Case Study

School Dismissal Automation

study performed by

University of South Florida, TAMPA, FL

College of Business


Chitra Kanagaraj, Michael Auman, Michael Da Silva,

Patrick Hickey, Sheryl Stafford & William Wright

University of South Florida created a Business IT proposal for the Pikmykid System. The project concluded that Tampa Bay schools would incur saving of around $40,000 in teacher time and resources. 

University of South Florida Case Study

case study summary

This project focuses on solving the current challenge in Tampa Bay schools where the school dismissal system is antiquated, resource intensive and time consuming. Team MOB started the analysis by first understanding the current process, issues by interviewing the Principals and School teachers from a sample set of elementary schools. We identified the schools don’t have any end to end solution for the ensuring a secure, safe dismissal today. The principals are worried about the liability and unable to track the dismissal records for their students in case of emergency. 

Schools require a systematic solution that can help them streamline the entire student dismissal process in a safe, secure & expeditious manner. The solution should be able to communicate real-time with parents on change management and also track and record the dismissal information for future reviews. 

Pikmykid is an IT startup working on automation solution for the current problem. We indentified the issues, reviewed the solution that can be established with minimal change at schools, competitor solutions available in the market, the cost involved and school limitations to adapt any IT platform. Pikmykid V1.0 is the solution identified by the team for the first phase of the product launch with core objective of delivering a minimum viable product to schools for their Beta testing before next enrollment period. 

The following analysis provides the company overview, summary of current process, challenges and a detailed business proposal. In our approach to the proposed process, we have evaluated the alternative solutions offerent by competitors, did cost benefit analysis and finalized the optimal solution for the schools in Florida school system.