
Case Study

The All-In-One Platform: Dismissal, Emergencies and Communication


Flowers Elementary K-5 in Montgomery, AL

Interviewed Staff

Principal Tori Infinger

Tori Infinger, Principal of Flowers Elementary K-5 in Montgomery, AL, uses Pikmykid for Daily Dismissal, Emergency Alert Drills and Emergency Reunification Drills.


the problem

Flowers Elementary School in Montgomery, AL needed help streamlining their daily dismissal process. Between the long, 35+ minute dismissal time, chaos looking for students when it was time for them to leave, and difficulty with inter-school communication, Principal Tori Infinger knew a change was necessary to improve their process. 

the statistics
dismissal icon
PMK Statistic Circles6
weather icon

40% Decrease

40% Decrease

Monthly Increase

In Daily Dismissal Time

In Staff Needed To Aid Outdoor Car Lines

1+ Fire, Weather, or Lockdown Drills Executed

Ready to Transform Your Daily & Emergency Procedures?

Book a demo today to see how Pikmykid can help you streamline your process to make every school day safer.