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Podcasts have become a standard outlet for entertainment and education. When it comes to working in education, there are many outlets to find resources. Being in the education industry, it can be isolating at times. Here are our top 9 podcasts for educators for your listening pleasure.

Every morning, on my way to work, I plug in my phone and put on a podcast. With about an hour commute, it allows me to feel like I am using my time efficiently. Whether it is for a good laugh or genuine learning, I have developed a love for my morning podcasts.

Drive to Work-Top Podcasts for educators

With my newfound appreciation of podcasts, I would relay the message in the industry I am working. At PikMyKid, I spend the day in and day out working on how to reach out to education professionals and schools. During these researches, I have come across a few great podcasts tailored to educators, school administrators, and all level school professionals.

1. OnEducation– Podcast for educators

A personal favorite of ours! Mike and Glen do an amazing job of covering all topics in education aka the good and the bad. They are very open and honest and do not hold back during an interview! We love the sense of real-ness they have and how different every episode is. We could give you a billion reasons to go listen, you will find out for yourself when you do! 

“OnEducation is one of North America’s most listened to podcasts focused on Education. Co-hosts Mike Washburn and Glen Irvin recently named two of the 30 most essential influencers in EdTech, come from diverse backgrounds and share their thoughts on “teachers, teaching, and everything in between” every week. You can subscribe to OnEducation wherever awesome podcasts are found by going to.” – Mike Washburn

2. Visions of Education- Podcast

Visions of Education that is tailored to educators for youngins up to college professors. With a wide variety of topics and diving into dicey subjects, they are a great weekly listen! 

“Visions of Education is an education podcast where education professor Dan Krutka and high school teacher Michael Milton have conversations with educators to discuss big ideas in the field… including a lot of social studies, social media, and social justice. We post a new episode each week… unless we have lots of grading!”-

3. Education Post: Voices4Ed Podcast

Voices4Ed is a great listen to just about anyone tied to the education field. If you are a parent with a child in school, working in the field or in school yourself. It is an easy listen and awesome podcast to put on to or from work! 

“Voices4Ed is an Education Post podcast where we bring in voices of students, parents, and teachers to talk about what’s really happening in our public schools. It’s a different conversation about public education.” –

4. The Transformative Principal – Podcast

A Podcast that really appeals to Principals and school officials, The Transformative Principal is geared towards how to provide the best quality to your school. If you are a Principal or head of school and need to listen to a true Top Podcasts for educators, then this is yours.

Most principals are running from one emergency to the next. I help principals find the actions needed to transform their schools so each student has an amazing experience.” –

Top Podcasts for educators

5. School Psyched Podcast

If you are looking to learn and grow on another wavelength, School Psyched Podcast is the one for you! School Psyched takes a psychological approach to all things education. It is so important to be able to dive deep on these issues because being in education can be incredibly in-depth.

“School Psyched Podcast is a collaborative effort put forth by three school psychologists coming from different backgrounds and experiences. This Top Podcasts for educators seeks to connect school psychologists and to foster professional grown via interactive professional development and the pooling of resources. Episodes air on YouTube Live which allows for audience participation and questions. After airing episodes are housed on both YouTube and iTunes. School Psyched Podcast first aired in 2015 and has tackled important topics such as learning disability identification and intervention, trauma, legally defensible psychoeducational reports, microaggressions, and psychological myths. Join the conversation!”-

6. Better Leaders Better Schools- Top Podcast for educators

What is the phrase? Do the fish stink from the head? Well, this podcast is the one you need to tune in to as a leader. Leadership can be extremely tough and sometimes isolating. BLBS offers two types of Podcasts with plenty of episodes to listen to during your commute or on a walk to learn from leaders all over.

“The flagship podcast featuring conversations with leadership experts from inside and outside of education.”

7. The House of #EdTech Podcast

As an EdTech company ourselves, we love the opportunity to dive into leaders in the industry and listen to their wins and fails. Being in EdTech can be a tough industry, it is important to have a community. It is also great for educators and leadership to listen to know about all of the amazing EdTech products, services, etc. that are out there to improve your school!

“The House of #EdTech podcast explores how technology is changing the way teachers teach and the impact that technology is having in education. My objectives include discussing the technology that is changing our classrooms and schools and sharing information you can hear about today and use tomorrow. I talk to teachers, leaders, and creators like you and have them share their stories. The purpose being, whether you use it or not technology is changing the way we teach and how our students learn.” -

8. HMH Learning Moments Podcast

The Learning Moments Podcast is a great listen for all educators because it exposes the raw truth of being in the industry. They do not hold back and have people in all positions tell their stories. It is a great place to build connections and feel like you are not the only one.

“Welcome to HMH Learning Moments, our new podcast focused on the ever-changing learning landscape. From educators in the classroom to leaders outside the field of education, every moment on our podcast is a chance to create connections, share stories, and explore the ideas and innovations that will influence the future.”-

9. 10 Minute Teacher Podcast

Are you reading this thinking? I do not have time to listen to all of this, or your commute is only 15 minutes? Well, this is the podcast for you! 10 minutes, 5 days a week! Your daily commute can be filled with inspiration from educators. Also, if you are an educator feeling in a slump, this is a great listen because it is meant to inspire educators on helping children learn and grow. It is the perfect morning pick me up top podcast for educators!

“The 10 Minute Teacher is a 5-day-a-week podcast that will help you become a better, more inspiring teacher who inspires children to learn and grow. The 10 Minute Teacher is your ten minute PD breakaway! You can become a more remarkable educator in just ten minutes a day. You could be on your way to work, at the gym, or washing dishes. Whenever you listen, the best and brightest educators and idea creators from around the world will inspire you.”

**BONUS: Teachers on Fire- Podcast

Teachers on Fire is a great listen because it is new, fresh and relatable for all educators. We cannot always talk about the best parts, this podcast has their guest speakers discuss the highs AND the lows. Make sure to tune in weekly for this Top Podcast for educators!

” Enter the Teachers on Fire podcast, where I profile agents of growth and transformation in K-12 education. Each week, I chat with an inspiring educator to bring you their highs and lows, passions and goals, and the voices and influences that are shaping their thinking and inspiring their practice. ” –

All in all, each of these podcasts brings different qualities for educators. Get inspired, learn and grow! Tell us your favorites!

for those still curious

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