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Hurricane Season is Here

Hurricane season is upon us. You will need these quick tips to keep your children safe in and out of school if a weather emergency arises.

  1. Be sure you know the evacuation routes ahead of time
  2. Contact the school and ask them if they have a hurricane preparedness kit, you should have one of these at home as well: this kit would include things like food, water, light sticks, waterproof matches, emergency blankets, and a first aid kit.
  3. Stay tuned into local weather reports checking how far the hurricane is and whether an evacuation is necessary
  4. Prepare supplies for at least a few days in case your home or school goes out of power for an extended period of time
  5. Keep in contact with teachers, and if you can, with your child
  6. Make sure your school has implemented a system in which teachers can send notifications directly to parents, this is extremely important during emergencies
  7. Stay calm, if you are calm your children will be as well

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