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Director of Marketing Operations

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The season of giving is fast approaching, which may have you already thinking about Giving Tuesday fundraising ideas for your school. 

We’ve got a few fun options for you to consider, along with some Pikmykid specific suggestions. Put Pikmykid to work for you and let our brand bring in some bucks for your staff and students! 

Check out our quick recap of Giving Tuesday, what it is and why it started, followed by ways you can leverage the initiative as a major fundraiser for your school…  

Get on board with Giving Tuesday

More than just an observance, Giving Tuesday is actually a global movement dedicated to “radical generosity.”

What first began in 2012 as a day to make a positive impact on our communities now encompasses acts of generosity by millions of people around the world. 

Considered the “biggest celebration of generosity,” Giving Tuesday is marked on November 29, 2022 this year. For those of us in the United States, Giving Tuesday always falls on the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving. We give thanks and then… we give back! 

Chances are, plenty of people in your community are eager to support your school, especially if their children are a part of your student body. Giving Tuesday gives them the ideal opportunity to do so. 

The trick is making those opportunities easy and obvious. Think about the high traffic areas of your school to advertise for the chance for others to support your school in honor of Giving Tuesday. 

For instance… the carpool line

Fundraising in Pikmykid parent app

Fundraising idea #1: take advantage of advertising

As a Pikmykid customer, you’ve already streamlined your school’s arrival and dismissal processes. Even so, parents and guardians do still spend time in the carpool line. 

So, why not take advantage of having them in front of you, so to speak, and sell advertising on Pikmykid collateral? 

Pikmykid car tags

Just think of the consistent exposure that you can offer businesses by including their logo on such important signage.

By selling advertising space on car tags to local businesses, you’re not only giving them a powerful platform to showcase their brand, you’re demonstrating your commitment to school safety, which is something businesses of all sizes will be eager to back. 

In addition to car tags, why not look at the carpool line itself and isolate opportunities to advertise on site?

School property, including carline fencing

Opt for even larger advertisements by selling the space along your school’s fence or area where parents and guardians are queuing in the carpool line. Determine how much space you can sell by measuring the dimensions of the fence, for example, and then alert the businesses in your community of the opportunity to advertise there. Encourage them to include a special offer or discount on their ad to entice those waiting in the carpool line to consider swinging by their establishment. 

Not sure the carpool parents and guardians will even see these ads? 

Sure, we get it. 

For most of us, waiting anywhere for anything is just another opportunity to scroll on our phones, whether we’re catching up on social media posts, checking bank accounts, or cleaning up our inbox. 

Good news! 

Pikmykid parent app ad space

You can make this subconscious scrolling habit work for you, too, by selling advertising space using the Pikmykid “ads” feature that displays in the parent app. Parents use the app every school day, putting eyes on your ads.

VIP Parking Spot Fundraising Idea

Fundraising idea #2: celebrate self-appointed VIPS

Who can resist a primo parking spot? 

Sell VIP parking spaces at your school

Whether it’s your staff or volunteers who give their time at your school on a regular basis, you probably have an untapped source of people who will self-appoint as a VIP and pay for a sweet parking spot. 

Give them the chance to do so by selling VIP parking spots for any length of time. 

You could even price the spots according to duration. The longer a single spot is reserved, the higher the price. In other words, you could offer pricing tiers and charge for a VIP spot lasting a single week, a month, a season, or even the entire school year. 

Fundraising idea #3: hold a sponsored raffle

Sell raffle tickets to students  — bonus points if those prizes don’t actually cost YOU any money. 

You might sell tickets for opportunities, like an extra or longer recess, a Friday afternoon screening of a popular kid’s movie, or a fun themed event — like pajama or crazy hair day. 

Up the ante and get staff and parents involved by selling tickets for bigger raffle prizes. 

Donation drive fundraising idea

Fundraising idea #4: think outside the box, but keep your eye on the prize.

How you raise the funds is entirely up to you and can include ideas like:

  • Create a fundraising page on your school’s website, detailing what you are fundraising for and what doing so will mean for your community. Be sure to include a fundraising thermometer on your fundraising page so that visitors to the page can see how close you’re coming to your goal, which can inspire more people to give, pushing you past the threshold. Be sure to share your progress on your school’s social media pages, too, and encourage visitors to the site to do the same! Relatives and friends who live outside your community might also be eager to lend their support. 
  • Explore established fundraising opportunities, like the sneaker recycling organization gotsneakers, which will send sneaker collection bags to your school and pay you for the sneakers you collect. Easy, fun, and sure to raise the funds necessary to bring Pikmykid to your school. 

Curious to learn more about how other customers are leveraging fundraising to purchase Pikmykid?

Our team is always happy to answer your questions and explain the details about the Pikmykid platform, solutions, and resources. 

Request a demo and reimagine safety at your school!   

for those still curious

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