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School Safety Reimagined and Efficiency with Pikmykid 

Pikmykid is a trusted leader in managing daily and safety operations for schools and districts nationwide, thanks to strong support from educational leadership and our team’s commitment to providing tailored tools that address their unique safety needs. 

Serving 3 million users benefit from Pikmykid’s comprehensive solutions, managing daily student arrivals, dismissals, attendance, early dismissals, check-ins, bus management, parent visitor check-ins, drills, emergency contacts, alerts, and passes.

Exciting Features for 2024:

  • Attendance Management: Seamless tracking via app, combating chronic absenteeism.
  • Tardies and Hall Passes: Efficient tardy tracking and hall pass management.
  • Parent App Refresh: Enhanced parent app with SSO/ simplified schedule management.
  • Early Release and Dismissal Safety: Our unbeatable feature became even more popular with Automated carline recognition and compliance with House Bills expecting classroom dismissal.
  • After School Programs: Flexible check-in and can be independently set up with enrollment applications.
  • Pikmykid Messenger: Web and App for efficient in-app management and  notifications.
  • Parent Visitor Management: Easy check-in for parents and pre-approved emergency contacts.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Compliance with Alyssa’s Law, custom messaging, and emergency reunification tools.
  • Student Wellbeing Tip Line: Secure, anonymous channels for student wellbeing.

Attendance Management:

Combat chronic absenteeism with Pikmykid’s integration and app-based attendance management solutions. 

  • Schools can monitor both excused and unexcused absences, capturing reasons for each absence. 
  • Parents can review their children’s attendance and promptly respond to school readiness, addressing issues like school avoidance due to bullying
  • Collaboration between parents and schools facilitates students’ return to school through morning interactions; some schools even inquire about students’ daily moods. 
  • Attendance with Tardies and Early dismissals help track attendance in one place for a student.

Tardies and Hall Passes: 

Staff can manage tardies, as well as hall passes for other student activities outside the classroom all in one place. 

  • Staff or students can log tardies directly into Pikmykid using the Staff, Kiosk, or Student Hall Pass options. 
  • Our newly designed Kiosk and Student Hall Pass allow students to generate permission slips seamlessly, minimizing disruptions to classroom activities.
  • Hall Pass feature allows for quick and efficient student sign-ins for student held devices.

Parent App Refresh:

  • Improved Parent App features a seamless and secure sign-on.
  • Parents can efficiently manage pickup changes for multiple children simultaneously with the new interface.
  • Enhanced student contacts with authorized images provided by parents, facilitating quick reference during emergencies or daily dismissal procedures.

Early release and Dismissal safety:

  • The Popular Dismissal feature with automatic recognition of carlines and walkers notifying parent arrival on campus without needing to open the app.
  • Our dismissal protocol ensures districts are in compliance with House Bill 14-73 and meet requirements by releasing students directly from classrooms with active staff supervision, avoiding corridor congregations.

After School Programs:

  • Our adaptable check-in system can now be independently configured to manage both before and after school activities efficiently.
  • Easy to use online applications for parents to share the emergency contacts and carpool preferences. We lighten the load on parents organizing enrichment activities, offering schools easy-to-use online applications to support this initiative.

Pikmykid Messenger: 

  • Our powerful messaging platform will allow schools to choose the mode of communication from Voice, Voice to text, text, in app notifications for their communication preferences.
  • The first application to offer staff-to-staff communication, with real-time notifications on early dismissals, hall passes, and other actions throughout the day.

Parent Visitor Management

  • Parent check-in just got easier: Volunteer parents can use the same Parent app to check themselves in with simple questions to answer.

Emergency Systems

Emergency Preparedness and 911 integration: 

  • Pikmykid system with RapidSOS’s 911 integration, can share critical information instantly with 911 dispatchers, including the accurate location of the emergency, the type of emergency, and other essential details.
  • Whether mandated by Alyssa’s Law or other state protocols, Pikmykid Emergency Alert System provides a critical tool to differentiate drills from actual emergencies. It enables customized messaging for various scenarios, from weather emergencies to active assailants.
  • In addition, parents can designate emergency contacts and upload photo identification, aiding first responders and volunteers in assisting schools during crises.
  • Once the emergency concludes, schools can swiftly return to normal operations and continue with their regular routines.

Emergency Reunification 

  • With our prebuilt SRM standard, this will help district’s define parent check-in areas, runners, and student staging areas to align reunification points with I LOVE U GUYS Foundation.
  • In addition, there are online access features to parents/emergency contacts for efficient student reunification and accurate documention.
  • Special notes feature to save custodial details, medication requirements, and critical notes about students seamlessly during reunification.
  • Conduct reunification drills that can be audited at both the school and district levels, meeting state requirements such as those outlined in Florida HB 1421 for comprehensive record-keeping.

Student Wellbeing Tip Line

The Tip Line is a crucial support tool for students navigating challenges in school and life. It offers a simple way to report issues that could prevent conflicts or even save lives. Providing secure, anonymous channels encourages active listening and ensures students can express their concerns until they feel comfortable speaking to someone directly.

How We Stand Out

  • Dedicated Team: Solving current issues and preventing future problems.
  • Guidance and Support: Unlimited resources for district and school leaders.
  • Privacy Protection: Role-based access to protect privacy for staff, parents and districts.

Want to see if these are features your school has been missing?  Schedule a free assessment today.

Why Pikmykid?

Dedicated Support: 

Our team is committed to solving current challenges and preventing future issues through continuous support and guidance.

Privacy and Compliance: 

Pikmykid provides role-based access to protect privacy and ensures compliance with state and federal safety regulations.

Compliance Support

HB 1473 – School Safety mandates comprehensive measures to ensure campus safety:

  • Record Maintenance for Drills: Schools must maintain detailed records of safety drills, including documentation of law enforcement personnel participation. This helps in assessing preparedness and refining emergency response strategies.
  • Access Control Requirements: The law imposes strict access control measures for campus doors and gates, aiming to restrict unauthorized entry and enhance security protocols.

Alyssa’s Law and School Safety Grants play a pivotal role in enhancing school safety:

  • Compliance with Silent Alarm Systems: Schools must comply with Alyssa’s Law, which mandates the installation of silent alarm systems. These systems enable discreet alerts to law enforcement in case of emergencies like active assailants.
  • 911 Integration and Emergency Alert Services: Integrating with 911 services ensures rapid response capabilities during emergencies, facilitating quick and effective coordination with first responders.
  • Coordination with Law Enforcement: Schools are required to coordinate closely with law enforcement agencies to develop and implement safety protocols. Furthermore, this collaboration ensures a unified approach to handling crises and enhances overall security measures.

These legislative requirements and grant opportunities aim to create safer learning environments by bolstering emergency preparedness and response capabilities across schools.

Grants and Funding Opportunities

Access various safety grants to bolster school safety protocols, including the School Safety Grant Program and Alyssa’s Law Compliance Grants.

There are several school safety grants that are available to enhance safety protocols with minimal financial burden:

  1. School Safety Grant Program (SSGP): Available in states like Florida, Texas, and New Jersey.
  2. Alyssa’s Law Compliance Grants: For integrating silent alarm systems.
  3. FEMA Grants: For disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
  4. State-Specific Safety Grants: Such as the Indiana School Safety Grant and Texas School Safety Allotment, Oregon Safety grants.

For more information on applying for these grants, please contact our support team.

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