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The Buyer's Guide For School Messaging On A Budget
Read this guide to help you find the communication solution that fits your school needs & budget.
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Ready-To-Go Dismissal & School Safety Resources
Helping you reimagine school safety with guides, checklists, webinars & events.
Case Study
From an exhaustive review of one school's dismissal process, this School Dismissal Case Study's author uncovered that Pikmykid is not only the best solution from a safety and efficiency perspective, but from a sustainability one as well.
Case Study
A team of students audited the Pikmykid application and its impact on a 700-student elementary school in suburban Florida to see how it could remedy a client's inefficient dismissal process through this School Dismissal Case Study.
Case Study
Sykes College of Business, University of Tampa, conducted a 'School Dismissal Case Study' to see how Pikmykid has positively impacted the lives of the current users on the Pikmykid application.
Case Study
University of South Florida created a Business IT proposal for the Pikmykid System. The project concluded that Tampa Bay schools would incur savings of around $40,000 in teacher time and resources.