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Creative Lead

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Staff Created Passes

Staff members can create passes for students from the school portal.

  • Once logged in to the portal, click Hall Pass on the left sidebar.
  • From the Hall Pass management page, click Create Hall Pass.
  • The Leaving From room will always be listed as the staff member logged in, but can be changed if needed. The select the Going To destination.
  • Then select the student(s). Filters can be used to search for a student for the student’s name can be selected from the list on the right.
  • Then select Create Hall Pass – the hall pass is now Active fro the student(s).

Hall Passes can also be scheduled for a later time in the day or scheduled as a repeating event for students who need to leave the classroom on a frequent basis.

teacher created hall passes

Managing Hall Passes

From the Hall Pass dashboard, staff members can view & manage all hall passes or sort passes using a variety of filters. Once a student’s trip is complete, staff should click the check mark to complete the pass, creating a timestamp of when the student returned.

digital hall pass portal

Hall Pass Status

  • Active Hall pass is in progress.
  • Completed Student has returned to class & pass has been marked complete.
  • Expired Hall pass has expired based on time allotted for that location.
  • Scheduled Pass will be active at a later time.
  • Terminated Pass was not completed but another action has taken place (e.g. student has been dismissed, left early or checked-in to a location).
  • (S) Pass was created in the Student Portal.
  • (K) Pass was created in the Kiosk.

student hall pass status

Student-Created Passes In Kiosk Mode

A kiosk station can be created so students can make their own passes. To create a Kiosk on any device, click the Kiosk Mode tab on the top right on the Hall Pass page. Determine which destinations and the students you’d like to allow to create passes at the kiosk; you can also filter by classroom and grade or move all. Then create a numeric password that will be used when you are ready to exit Kiosk Mode on the device.

Create A Pass On The Kiosk

  • Student will click on Create Pass.
  • Student will then search either their full name, their Pikmykid ID or their external school ID (e.g. #123456) and click Next Step.
  • Student will select where they are going.
  • The student will receive a summary of their pass information and click Create Pass.

create pass button

hall pass student login

student hall pass kiosk

hall pass kiosk

Complete A Pass On The Kiosk

  • Student will click Complete Pass.
  • Student will search again with either their full name, their Pikmykid ID or their external school ID.
  • The student will receive a summary of their pass information and click Complete Pass (creating a timestamp of when the student returned).

complete pass button

complete pass

Student Portal Passes

Students who have access to their own devices throughout the school day, can create passes through a Student Portal.
* The student portal must first be configured in the Settings by an administrator. 


Steps For Student-Created Passes

  • For the initial login, students will use their Pikmykid ID number as the username and password. Students can also sign into the Student Portal using the # symbol and their external school ID (i.e. #123456) as both the username and password.
  • Students will then be prompted by the system to create a new, secure password. This password should be 8 characters in length and something that the students will remember. The students will continue to use the ID number they signed in with as their username.

student portal login

To create a pass, students will:

  • Click Create Pass.
  • Select the teacher/room they are leaving from.
  • Select the teacher/room they are going to.
  • Click Create (wait for teacher approval if this setting is turned on).
  • The hall pass will then be Active for the student.
  • Once the student returns from their destination, students will Complete their hall pass on their device, which allows for the system to timestamp when the student returned to the classroom.
  • Recently created hall passes can be viewed in the View Passes button on the Student Portal homepage.

welcome to hall pass kiosk

complete hall pass button