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The world after the global pandemic of COVID-19 will be a different place. Some things will go back to normal and some things won’t. PikMyKid is working hard to do what we can to help you and your school cooperate with social distancing guidelines and other preventative measures

PikMyKid Software can be used to: 

  • Communicate directly with parents
  • Manage drop off and pick up
  • Communicate with and teach students who need to stay home for any reason
  • Manage health checks
  • Keep too many people from interacting at one time
  • Enable some administrators to work from home
  • Inform parents, staff, and students about event cancellations and such 
  • Prevent visitors and parents from entering school premises for student pick up
  • Notify the nurse’s office of illness or injury
  • Discreetly communicate with parents and staff about illness and injury 
  • Manage social distancing and school dismissal

Parent Communication

Our software enables you to effectively communicate with parents about everything from dismissal changes to absentees to field trip cancellations. 

Manage Drop off and School Dismissal

Use the Pikmykid app to manage drop off and dismissal with minimal person to person interaction

Students and Staff Staying Home when sick

Our apps absentee managing software tracks this for you

Our messaging software can also be used to notify parents and other relevant individuals about possible outbreaks of illness

Manage Health Checks During Social Distancing and School Dismissal

Our comprehensive dashboard system can be used to manage health checks on students

Whether you have parents monitor their kid’s temperature and such or you can do it at your campus. And track it through our software.

Minimize Large Group Gatherings

Use our dismissal software to keep groups of students from interacting with each other and practice social distancing. Especially during dismissal times.

You can keep each class in their classroom and only dismiss them as their parents/guardians arrive. This minimizes interactions between students and staff

Inform people about cancellations

Use our messaging system to keep parents, teachers, and students informed about event cancellations

Manage Staff that Work from Home

Because our software is controlled through a comprehensive dashboard system, administrators can work remotely.  Further limiting the number of people on campus at any given time

Manage Visitors

Our parent app and software can also be used to limit and track the number of visitors that your campus needs to deal with on a daily basis. This also minimizes chances for a community spread by reducing contact.

Manage the Nurse’s Office

You can use our emergency alert software to notify the nurse’s office of injuries and illness and limit congestion. 

Our emergency alert system can also be used in this format to communicate about ill or injured students with the appropriate staff members and parents discreetly. 

Find solutions for social distancing and school dismissal with Pikmykid, today! Learn more about Pikmykid and the services we’re offering for free through July 31st, 2020, fill out this form. Or, email us at [email protected].

for those still curious

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