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2019 Education Leadership Award Nominees

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2019 Education Leadership Award Nominees

This year, we were so amazed by the overwhelming response from parents, teachers, and community members! The stories below reflect the strength, determination, and dedication of our incredible schools. Vote for your school and support them in our Education Leadership Award.

Academy of Accelerated Learning

Who have you nominated from your community for Education Leadership Award and why?

“Ms. Flores is a very sweet lady and has been very good to my oldest son who has been in the school since Pre-K. I always love her energy with all the other kids as well to keep them in order”
– Porchia Davis, Parent

Academy Of Scholars

Who have you nominated from your community for Education Leadership Award and why?

“Stacy Johnson, our Chief Learning Officer, is professional, and she genuinely cares about ALL the kids. She goes out of her way to make School more than a job for the educators, more than a job for the kids, and a great experience for us parents. I encourage you, don’t just take my word, if you ever want to actually see Education at it’s finest, take a visit to Academy Of Scholars, and prepare to be amazed.”
– Lisa Bush, Parent

Armstrong Elementary

Who have you nominated for Education Leadership Award from your community and why?

“Jeanie Marten has her own successful Real Estate business and still has time to be involved in the community here. Jeanie is always supporting our school even though her sons do not attend here anymore. She has organized to add facilities to the playground for the older students in our school. She continually encourages the teachers here providing funds for various projects. I am sure that she is still supporting the Middle and High Schools in the district where her two sons attend. “.
– Anonymous Staff Member 

Aspire East Academy

Who have you nominated for Education Leadership Award from your community and why?

“Principle Monique Cincore is the most amazing school leader I ever met in the school system. She is a great example of an inspiring educator and she embodies the role of a great leader. She truly does care about her children in the school community. She always makes sure she greets every parent and child in the morning drop off and in the afternoon. Her passion is to make sure each child receives a great education shows daily.”
– Dezannae Moore, Parent

BASIS Goodyear Elementary

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“This app makes it a lot easier to pick up kids at our school!”
– Abidemi Okunola, Parent 

BASIS North Central

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“It has been a breeze with PikMyKid app”
– Suresh Raju, Parent

BASIS North San Antonio Charter

Name one area where your school has made a difference in the community?

“The high academic level and the diversity of cultures”
– Iris, Parent

Berkeley Prep

Who have you nominated for Education Leadership Award from your community and why?

“Heidi Haneke. She is a dedicated teacher who goes above and beyond on a daily basis. There are too many to list here as she is involved in many programs with Berkeley.”
– Mike Buelow, Parent

Ben Milam Elementary

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your local community?

“I think it makes it easier to pick up. I also like how it tells me when the bus picks up.”
– Julie Conner, Parent

Braden River Elementary

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“This teacher always goes above and beyond for each of her students.  She stays after school Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays so any of her students have the chance to catch up on work. She helps each of her students one on one by teaching them on their level. I’ve never been honored to know a teacher like Mrs. Hood. Thank you  B.R.E. for having this blessing in your school teaching your children our children. Simply amazing.”
– Selena Powers, Parent

Canadian School Guadalajara

How has Pikmykid had an impact on the school environment?

“Using PMK we have less tráficc, less pollution.”
– Alejandro Villarruel, Parent

Cirrus Academy Charter

Who have you nominated for Education Leadership Award from your community and why?

“Monique Dawkins is a phenomenal teacher, athletic coach, and community volunteer. Changing lives, one child at a time. About three years ago, she spearheaded our cities ‘Million Father March’ calling for dads to pledge to remain active and accessible to all community children and aspiring leaders. The event was covered by local news and her school event was covered in the National publication of sponsorship.”
– Lilian Ray, Community Member

Clarksdale Collegiate Public Charter

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“Pikmykid has made arrival and dismissal a breeze. Safety was a big concern with students that risk getting left, lost, or injured so having a number system helps us to keep track with all registered students on campus is great!”
– Sakenna Dear, Parent and Teacher

Coastal Preparatory Academy

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“It makes picking up kids so easy and smooth!!”
– Laura Rollings, Parent

Colegio Ciudad de Mexico

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“PikMyKid es muy buena”
– Sara Leon Martinez, Parent

Country Heights

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Mrs. Humphrey – 4th grade teacher.

Without hesitation or doubt, Mrs. Humphrey is beyond deserving for the spotlight! She has gone out of her way to make sure [my daughter] Gracie has a successful year and helps her grow and learn beyond education. Mrs. Humphrey keeps in frequent contact in addition to the usual school newsletter and class updates. My daughter Gracie is quiet in class and very shy at school. I will always admire her for making my daughter and all the other kids feel secure, safe, confident, and successful. Please consider her for the spotlight! Even if someone else wins….it’s very clear and evident of how amazing she is by the way her kids love her!!!”– Jennifer Brown, Parent

Dayspring Academy

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Timothy Grenier is very dedicated to the school and the students. He goes above and beyond for them both. Our daughter was in the first graduating class of the school and his dedication to the class was so heartwarming. He was a second father to all the students. You had to have Kleenex for him and the students because of all the tears that both were shedding.

This is done for all the students as well, he really loves his students.
Not just him, all the teachers from preschool to 12th grade at Dayspring are the BEST.”
– Evelyn R Waldroupe, Parent of Former Student

Discovery Academy

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Craig Prindle, Dean of Students. He streamlined dismissal and car line by introducing Pikmykid. He has raised student and staff morale, holds regular presentations and games each month. Craig also reached out to community businesses for support of teachers as well as supported those businesses. Best Dean Of Students the school has ever had.”
– Derek Currier, Teacher/Staff Member

“Craig has provided a positive attitude and behavior management system school-wide. He works countless hours in order to provide for all the students of the school as well as his faculty. His energy is always positive and it allows students to think in a positive mindset.”
– Christine Armstrong, Teacher/Staff Member

“Amy Dzaferi. The leadership has really turned a newer school into one that places value not only on education but building character through the students.”
– Sarah Jenkins, Parent

Faith Christian Academy

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Mrs. Mahoney goes above and beyond to help her teacher to succeed as a person and at their job. She is always help her teachers to feel appreciated and Mrs.Mahoney always welcomes teachers feedback, and help to bring those feedback into play. We see it time after time, and for that I think she deserves the Leadership award.”
– Elissa Lobikis, Teacher/Staff Member

FASTK8 Charter

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Mr. Peter Epstein. A lot of transition happened this school year and the leaders especially Mr. Epstein stepped up and took a lot of responsibilities to stabilize the situation. He has been very supportive of teachers being a middle school Assistant Principal, he takes care of a lot of disciplinary issues and management. He goes over and beyond to keep things on track and give our school an edge over others.”– Vini Jain, Teacher/Staff Member

Gibsonburg District

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Brent is an innovative teacher and coach.  He teaches social studies to students in grades 8-12.  His students love his class and he prepares them for the real world.  He also coaches girls golf and boys basketball, along with being the assistant athletic director.  Brent lives at the school and whenever we are in a pickle, he is the first person contacted. He is dedicated to ALL students and does a tremendous job inside the classroom and outside.”
– Tim Murray, Administrator

Gregory Lincoln

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“It allows security in making sure your child is picked up by the right person. I love it.”
– Angela Williamson, Parent


How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“It lets us know that our kids are safely being picked up.”
– Jennifer, Parent

KIPP Infinity

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“It keeps track on the arrivals and how our kippsters are doing”
– Dairen Mercedes, Parent

Las Vegas Junior Academy

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Maria-Rosario Olmeda-Barba gives tirelessly of her time to serve as our Non-Profit schools Treasurer and Business Manager. She also serves hot lunches to our student body three times a week and volunteers at her church as a youth coordinator.  She spends hours at home as well as our school working on our finances. Whenever there is any kind of need, she is there to help.”
– Deborah Dahl, Principal

Madison Campus

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Marty Sutton is always available to assist; meeting each parent as they drive up to pick up their child, answering calls anytime, giving TLC to each child. Taking children out to visit nursing homes, also leading them in helping chores for the elderly ”
– Bette Fields, Parent

New London

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Patricia Fuller. Even though she does not directly live within our community, she has shown true dedication and care to our school community professionally and personally.   She has served as a leader in our teacher organizations, including bargaining and building leadership goal development. She has joined in on multiple community-based activities that develop math and literacy in students.”
– Mary Ann Cumberledge, Teacher/Staff Member

P.S. 354

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Yanick Beckwith is currently holding two positions at the school. Yanick is a paraprofessional by day and Assistant Program Director of The after school program in the evening at P.S.354. She continues to create a safe haven for the scholars in the community of South Jamaica Queens.”
– P.S. 354 Community Member

P.H. Miller

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Ms. Berry: es muy responsable con su trabajo y se preocupa mucho por la educación de nuestros hijos.

Ms. Berry: she is very responsible with her work. She is also very concerned about the education of our children.”– Guadalupe lara Barraza, Parent

Sue E. Rattan

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Todd Frasier is a model for fundamental qualities such as organization, efficiency, and communication. He knows the name of every single student in his school.”
– Sarah Quintanilla, Parent 


Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Gwendolyn Lorthridge. She deserves to be spotlighted because she embodies the qualities a great leader possesses. She is caring, listens, patient, fair, and the faculty, parents, and students, love her. She makes decisions based on what’s best for the children. She always puts the children first. She’s genuine and she’s honest.”– Anonymous Parent

St. Catherine of Siena

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“Once our school started using PikMyKid, it has made carpool a smooth and easy process”
– Erica Ortiz, Parent

Sugar Creek

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“It has been great for our school!”
– Jasmine Morrell, Parent

Teaneck School District

Who have you nominated for Education Leadership Award from your community and why?

“Dr. Ardie Walser, the Teaneck Board of Education (President) Dr. Walser exhibits and exceeds the gold standard of participation and leadership in a school district that is located in a town with a diversified population that faces many challenges. The educational needs of the general school population, as well the needs of our special needs population are foremost in his purview. He seems to have the exceptional ability to relate to students, staff, administrators, and the community at large. He is able to communicate the needs as well as the accomplishments of the school district in a compelling manner that encourages people to help resolve common needs.”
– Howard Rose, Member of the Teaneck Board of Education

Westside Atlanta

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Mrs. Elizabeth Lesley is truly hard worker. She’s a humble person, so it’s natural for her to go above and beyond with genuine care and concern.You will notice her all over the building and it’s never a time where she’s not asking if someone needs help. She was one of the first person(s) I met for the School Tour and I was impressed from Day 1!  She remembers every parent’s name and always has an answer to your question. Besides that, not only is she dedicated to helping parents, but she’s also involved with the children. I love that you would never know if she’s having a bad day. She’s always positive and I enjoy being around her. I nominate Mrs. Elizabeth for being the person that she is! I’m glad she is apart of the Westside Family!”

– Ebony Tolbert, Parent 

Young Scholars of Central PA

How has Pikmykid had an impact on your school environment?

“It is so easy to use and streamlines the dismissal process. Kids are not standing outside in the elements waiting for their car to make it to the discharge area. Staff are able to communicate with the press of a button.”

– Maria Ramseur, Parent

Who have you nominated from your community and why?

“Leslie is our school secretary, and she goes above and beyond to make a positive impact on our school community every day.  She manages drop off and dismissal daily and always with a smile. She even perks the students up by dressing up during drop off time, such as this week when she put on a dinosaur costume and danced with the students as they arrived.  I cannot think of a person who has more positive impact on our school community as a whole than our school secretary, Leslie Adams.”

– Charity Lynn Wheeland, Teacher/Staff Member

These schools have been nominated for the Pikmykid Education Leadership Award 2019. We are excited about partnering with Thought Leaders who are serving the school community with tools to enable a secure environment for students. We strongly believe the right leaders can influence change and this is our humble initiative to recognize their efforts!


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