In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become powerful tools for professional development and networking. Among these platforms, Twitter stands out as a hub for educators to connect, share ideas, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in education. With a multitude of educators and educational organizations active on Twitter, it can be overwhelming to find the most valuable accounts to follow. To help you navigate this vast educational “Twitterverse,” we have compiled a list of nine essential Twitter accounts that every educator should follow.

Technology and Innovation in Education
@edutopia: produced by the George Lucas Education Foundation, a well-known nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming education through innovative practices. Their Twitter account provides educators with a wealth of resources, research-based strategies, and inspiring stories to enhance teaching and learning.
@iste: The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is a renowned organization dedicated to transforming education through technology. Their Twitter account provides updates on the latest Edtech trends, research, and best practices for integrating technology effectively in the classroom.
News in Education
@educationweek: Education Week is a trusted resource for K-12 education news and information. Their twitter account strives to empower the K-12 educational community by sharing the latest national news daily.
@TED_ED: TED-Ed is TED’s “youth and education initiative” Their Twitter account brings together captivating educational videos on a variety of subjects. These videos spark curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity in both students and educators. Following TED-Ed ensures a steady stream of inspiring and thought-provoking content.
Educator Accounts
@gcouros: George Couros, an educator, author, and speaker, focuses on the importance of innovation, leadership, and developing a culture of learning in schools. His tweets provide inspiration, practical advice, and reflections that challenge educators to embrace change and make a positive impact.
@Caitlin_Tucker: Dr. Catlin R. Tucker is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, international trainer, and professor at Pepperdine University. She taught for 16 years and was named Teacher of the Year in 2010. She provides tips, strategies and resources to help teachers excel in their profession and to work smarter, not harder.
@coolcatteaher: Vicki Davis is an edTech teacher, blogger, speaker and host of the 10 Minute Teacher Podcast. She offers advice, encouragement and practical tips for teachers of all grade levels and subjects.
@WeAreTeachers: a community of educators, over 3 million collectively, that share classroom stories, ideas and resources from around the country. Their twitter account is educational, informative and entertaining.
Just for Fun
@Bored_Teachers: Teaching is a tough job and laughter is the best medicine. This account was created for teachers to escape from daily stress and find some relief in humor. Teachers may love their jobs but they are only human, and we all need some comic relief in our day!

Twitter has emerged as a thriving platform for educators to connect, share ideas, and access valuable educational resources. By following these nine Twitter accounts, educators can stay informed about the latest trends, gain practical insights, and find inspiration to enhance their teaching practices. Engaging with these accounts fosters professional growth and helps educators create an innovative and enriching learning environment for their students. So, go ahead, hit that follow button, and embark on a journey of continuous learning and collaboration through the power of Twitter.
OH, and if you are not already, don’t forget to give Pikmykid a follow, too!