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Weekend Fun With the Kids

What to do on the weekend? Go to the mall? No, we all want to save money. Go to the movies? No, we do this every weekend. We have compiled a list of three fun and cheap activities you can do this weekend with your children.

Fly kites

This activity is perfect for the weekend because it encompasses two different things: one, you’ll entertain your children with the creation of kites and/or the coloring of them and, two, you all will have fun while flying them.

The best way to start is by explaining this activity to the children. Try to figure out what they get the most excited about: the kite creation/painting or the actual flying of them. Try to spend the most time in whatever they seem to be happier about. This activity can take place in your own garden, a park, on the streets, etc.

Tip: Remember to check the weather forecast before deciding to do this with your children!

Have a sunset picnic at a park or beach

Summer is right around the corner; the weather is perfect for going to the beach and enjoying the breeze and the sun. Grab your picnic mat, a cooler with lots of drinks and water inside and some delicious snacks. Usually small sandwiches in sealable plastic bags are a good choice because these bags will prevent sand from getting inside them. Also, don’t forget to bring cups of fruits for the appetizer and some chocolates for the dessert.

You can do this in the park too. Try to find the perfect shade under a big tree and you’re all set.

Tip: Bring your small speaker so you can listen to music, sing, talk and eat at the same time. Enjoy!

Go to a State Fair or Amusement Park

Older kids will absolutely love this. They love the thrilling experience of riding the roller coasters and screaming at the top of their lungs. Also, another benefit of this activity, if you decide to go to a State Fair, you’ll be supporting local businesses.

This activity is perfect if you want to walk around and see some entertainment while your children safely have fun with their friends or siblings. You all can decide to meet at a specific place and at a specific time to have dinner. It’s better to have schedules when going to busy places like this because you can make reservations.

Tip: Make sure you provide your children with phones and maps; we don’t want them to get lost!

for those still curious

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