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Classroom Meets Technology

The perfect way to revamp an outdated classroom is by adding technology. Understanding how digital platforms work allows students to be innovative and creative. Learning while utilizing technology enables students to learn smarter, not harder. The world has become primarily digitalized and gives people of all ages an outlet to understand and learn in a new way. We have been evolving in our use of technology for years and will continue to make advances in this area. Technology has an immense amount of benefits in and outside of a classroom. Daily life has been made more efficient with the implementation of technology in our modern world.

Teachers benefit from technology in many ways. When using technology, lesson plans are created faster and more efficiently. Teachers can also now focus on the specific need of a child when they are using a program tailored to their learning. I-Pads, phones, portable computers, online databases, and programs, have allowed teachers to be more organized and more focused on student’s learning rather than all of the time-consuming tasks they used to have to complete.

Students who use technology are said to be better set up for the real world than students who do not. It is proved that those who begin using the Internet safely at an early age have a higher rate of success down the road. It is so important for a student to understand and acknowledge technology and all of its multi-faceted aspects.

Parents are using technological resources to help their children have the best learning experience possible. Student’s bring home the knowledge they have gained from school and it is up to the parents to reinforce it. By practicing how to use the Internet properly and safety, students are able to make it work to their advantage. Helping your child search the web for projects, presentations, or even to help find information to study helps them become more aware of the technological world that surrounds them.

Here are some quick ways to incorporate technology into a classroom setting!

  1. Teach students how to properly use the Internet
  2. Utilize handheld devices
  3. Implement computer science classes
  4. Use Multimedia for creative presentations
  5. Target small group learning via online programs
  6. Incorporate online resources into games/activities
  7. Use social media to engage students
  8. Allow for group collaboration with Google Docs
  9. Customize learning platforms for students using
  10. Collect and record student data to personalize learning

for those still curious

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